Happy Anniversary!!!! "The Dithering" is One Year Old!

One year ago today, “The Dithering of a District Diva” was born.  What once was a collection of emails to friends because I just couldn’t sleep until I freed the thoughts bouncing around in my head, became this blog. At first, the blog was therapy, helping me to mend a broken heart. As I got over that — and got over myself — it has evolved into a ministry.

I created the tagline “Chasing God + Purpose” fairly early on in my Dithering, but — true to my form — I wasn’t all that serious about it.  I was chasing boy + failure; I failed at the former and succeeded at the latter. But as God says in Jeremiah 29: 13-14: “When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. “Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.”

I look at my earlier posts, and I know I’m not the same. I’m not exactly where I think God wants me to be, but I am surely not that other girl, anymore.  I’ve hosted a fashion show to raise money for breast cancer awareness, I’ve won a Black Weblog Award, I’ve created a great series of posts — “The Prototype” — which has allowed me to meet and converse with some of the most fascinating Black women I’ve ever met, and I’ve created a companion post series — “The Archetype” — which will highlight some amazing Black men who are Chasing God + Purpose (look for the first “Archetype” post on Monday!). I’ve made some wonderful friends in the blogosphere and the Twitterverse, and I’ve collected some amazing mentors. I’ve shared (most of) my life with you,(can’t give it all away for free! The Diva Monologues is coming soon!) and most importantly, I’ve shared Christ. Without Him, we are wasting our time.

Since I have changed focus on the blog from boys to God, there has definitely been a drop in readership.  But my soul is rising! I feel more loving and more kind, more at peace, and more focused on the reason why I am here at this time. It is not to edify and glorify myself, to win awards, to garner a million twitter followers (though I would like to be able to make a living doing this!).  The blog has changed because my life needed to change. Direction needed to change. The shell of a sad and bitter woman, old before her time, has fallen away, as God continues to fill me with the things I had desperate shortage of.  As  I am getting “liberated from my incessant need to be loved and honored,” I can now live with a “new desire to see God loved and to see God honored.”  Though I may dither, with God, I’ll get there eventually.

And so will you. I hope it has been and will continue to be a blessing to you. I hope you have been built up and encouraged. I hope you have been inspired to Chase God + Purpose more fully than you ever have before, because it is serious out there.  We are not fighting flesh and blood, but spirits and principalities, so we had better be ready! Get ready by reading your Bible to know what God requires of you, and staying close to Him by talking to Him in prayer. As Pastor Wesley says, “Dusty Bibles make dirty Christians.”  Let’s get serious about finding God. Let’s chase Him with our whole hearts. He has promised that we will not be disappointed!

I thank God for another year to do His work, I thank God for you, thank you for reading and commenting and supporting. I pray for you daily! Let’s keep sharpening each other, growing, and changing, and seeking God’s face above all things!




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