You Mad? Race-Baiters Desperately Cling to "Angry Black Woman" Stereotype for Michelle Obama

She’s happy. You mad?

A November 1st 2011 poll reveals that 63 percent of registered voters view Michelle positively.  I guess we can count “news” editor Katie Pavlich and the Washington Times‘ Joseph Curl in the 21 percent of haters.  Just as Michelle’s poll results were being reported by Politico, Pavlich quoted from Curl’s article (“The Very Angry First Lady Michelle Obama”) in her own, titled “Mad Michelle: Hitting the Campaign Attack Trail.”

Oh, race-baiters, you’ve had 4 years to come up with something new.  Though, as a writer myself, your lack of creativity disappoints me, I must say I’m not surprised: perpetuators of racism are known for their narrow minds.  And so we get this recycled crap from Curl:

Michelle’s back, and she’s madder than ever. She was already pretty angry, seemingly unhappy with just about everything. As her husband wrapped up the Democratic nomination in 2008, she let fly her real feelings: “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country.”

Attention apologists: slavery of human beings happened in America for centuries and despite Scarlett O’Hara and Kathryn Stockett’s accounts to the contrary, IT SUCKED.  And I know you hate to acknowledge it, but institutionalized racism is real.  There is very much to be disappointed about in American history. Acknowledging as much is quintessentially American.  But let’s continue with Curl’s “evidence” of Michelle’s “anger”:

A few months into her job as first lady, her French counterpart asked how she liked the gig: “Don’t ask!” she reportedly spat. “It’s hell. I can’t stand it!”

Michelle Obama supposedly said this to French first lady Carla Bruni, which makes this hearsay. And even if she said it, how unfortunate for her that her strenuous duties as first lady and mother are not sugar and sunshine everyday like race-baiting must be for Curl and the Washington Times.

Curl finishes up with this little nugget:

Now, she is ready to spew her bilious disgust with America on the campaign trail. A dignified, transcendent first lady? No chance. Michelle is going to break with a hundred years of tradition and play the role of attack dog, heaping derision on her husband’s political opponents like no other first lady before her.

If only Google were free and open to the public! Oh, wait:

Out on the campaign trail raising re-election cash and promoting reading, Laura Bush is staunchly defending her husband’s credibility and taking a shot at Democrats who claim he skipped out on his National Guard duty.

From the Associated Press article “First Lady Defends Husband on Campaign Trail

And this is what was so vile that Curl felt empowered enough to call the First Lady of the United States an “attack dog”:

“Let’s not forget about what it meant when my husband appointed two brilliant Supreme Court justices, and for the first time in history, our daughters – and our sons – watched three women take their seats on our nation’s highest court. But more importantly, let’s not forget the impact their decisions will have on our lives for decades to come – on our privacy and our security, on whether we can speak freely, worship openly and love whomever we choose. That is what’s at stake here,” she said to applause.

“Will we be a country where opportunity is limited to just the few at the top? Who are we? Or will we give every child a chance to succeed no matter where they’re from, or what they look like or how much money their parents have. Who are we?”

Apparently, Pavlich, Curl, and their ilk are the kind of people who are angered by simple American truths.

A few months back, after Faux News blatantly floated racist imagery on its website, I pondered the question How Do You Love People So Much They Stop Being Racists? While I’m still working on that part, I also acknowledge that even Jesus flipped a table or two when people were acting foolish.  Though I won’t go as far as that, I will offer Pavlich and Curl a simple prescription: read the poem “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou. I guarantee you’ll learn a little bit about where your hate is coming from. Then, seek actual therapy instead of spewing your anger all over the internet.

Our awe-worthy First Lady defines class, brilliance and beauty. She is the epitome of a good mother to two beautiful and intelligent daughters and wife to the most powerful man this side of the galaxy.  And you’re still hating, and you’re still you.  To that, I ask:
you mad oprah
h/t April




  • Abbs

    While you were not surprised by the article, I was. Admittedly, I never read Townhall before yesterday so I guess part of it was that I just wasn’t prepared for that kind of ridiculous perspective anyway. The only thing I wish was that Michelle didn’t apologize for making that comment in the first place because I understood it and related to it. But anyway, back to the point – I agree with you wholeheartedly and I’m glad you decided to respond to the article.


    Like Herman Cain, I hope that these racial outbursts in writings, dealings, and secret backdoor whispers which always seems to get out to the media, against our black leaders, especially our President and First Lady, are seem for the true nature that they are; racist and full of hatred that has been suppressed and is now more than ever before boiling over into mainstream media, and life, and showing us black folk just how much we’ve “arrived”. Mr. Cain denied there was any and we brainwashed black democrats ought to learn that. Now Mr. Cain knows that their is racism in America. NEVER LEFT! I’m wondering if he will even think of apologizing to his people or people who should be his people. The Washington Times has always been a paper of subtle racism in my opinion and I stopped subscribing to it in the 1990s because of it. I guess if you have an outright racist TV station you ought to know there’s a newspaper partnering with it and The Washington Times is that partner. So…to hear that their reporter would dare to write a disdainful article in an attempt to denigrate our First Lady, who is the epitome of class and honesty is no surprise to me at all. Jealousy and hatred are the character traits for so many racists in America. My suggestion to all is to seriously pray for our country and all the haters that God will deal justly with them in changing their hearts. Especially pray for our president that he wil follow God’s guidance for the direction of this country and that the world will see the evidence of his greatness as president despite the haters of this country, especially in the Republican party. GOD will be the deciding factor in this country’s outcome. PRAY! Great article Diva, thanks for standing up for our First Lady.


    I’m not surprised at all by either of those articles. They are definitely catering to their audience. What does have me a bit perturbed is that while they continue to try to keep the stereotype of the “Angry Black Woman” alive and kicking, both authors come off as an Angry White Man (hello, Tea Party, much!) and an Angry White Woman.

    I am so over black women being made out to be the angriest persons this side of the Atlantic, when we know full well that the angriest people in America are white men…especially when they feel powerless!

  • Thanks for reading, guys!! And YES, TiaBia! That’s what’s so funny! They are stretching like Armstrong to make Michelle look like the angry person when all along they are the ones that come across as straight BITTER about their current situations. They Mad! 😀

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