6 Months No Dating: At The Five Month Mark!

So today is January 14, which marks FIVE MONTHS since I signed the 6 Months No Dating Pledge, promising to take men and dating off the table while I focus on Christ, my life in Christ and what He wants for me. I can honestly say this time has flown by! I almost feel like I’m not ready for February 14, 2012 to come! There were so many things I had planned to have accomplished by the end of the 6 months, that of course I haven’t yet accomplished (and likely won’t in the next four weeks).

If you’ve been keeping up with my pledge, you’ll remember that I had a list of 15 things that I felt God was calling me to change about myself before I started my next (and hopefully last) romantic relationship (seriously, “I’ve been dating since I was 15, I’m tired!”).  No, I’m not done, but what good transformation only takes 6 months? The point, I guess, is that I am growing and really enjoying my time with God, and that doesn’t have to have an expiration date.

I read the Bible much more than I used to, though I’m still not to the point where I’m reading everyday, first thing in the morning, like I would like. But I am doing smaller things, like not leaving the house until all dirty dishes have been washed and my bed has been made and if I’m late, then I’ve learned a valuable lesson about waking up earlier so I can leave a clean house on time, next time. And I’ve been asking God for forgiveness at the end of each day, which makes me acknowledge that yes, I sinned today, yes I deserved death for my sin (for the penalty for sin is death), and YES it is only because of God’s grace, goodness, and love that He did not give me what I deserved today and allowed me to breathe another day.  I’ve spent an abnormal amount of time with my family — specifically my parents — in the last 6 months. I’ve actually enjoyed being appreciated by men without even the desire to make anything more of it. I’ve been more thoughtful, more loving, more sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s tugging at me to change, to apologize when necessary, to forgive always and to be grateful every day.  These small changes seem to be pretty big when all rolled up together!

It’s been an unbelievably peaceful and rewarding five months. I’ve been doing an incredible amount of writing on the novel and I am looking forward to making an awesome life announcement soon and sharing what God will achieve in me in the final month of this pledge!

If God could change anything in you, what would you want Him to change? Are you thinking about taking the Pledge?

Lord, I want You to fashion me for my prospective husband. I commit the next six months of my life for Your construction. I will surrender any area which is not controlled by You so that my life will bring You glory.

signed_______________________       Date__________________________

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