An Ode to Air France (PICS)

Let me tell you about this amazing, two-story airbus that Air France has in circulation.  First, did I mention it was two-stories?! And let me tell you how I found out it was two stories tall.  I get on the plane and settle into my seat in this 500 passenger plane and thankfully I’m in an aisle seat. Not a window, but not sandwiched between two others in the five-seater rows. I could deal with that.  But then this couple comes up to me with sadness in their eyes. (Poor planners always have sadness in their eyes).

“Excuse me, miss. We are a family and we want to sit together but my wife’s seat is all the way somewhere else. Would you mind if you switch with us?”

I didn’t even hesitate. I know the damage that poor planning can cause and am always grateful when people help me out inspite of it.

So, “sure,” I said.  “But we haven’t seen the seat, we’ll walk with you in case you don’t like it.”

“No, no. It’s fine, you should sit together. It’s just a seat.”  But it was NOT just a seat, I tell you.  It was not just a seat.

The wife walks me to the back of the plane anyway just to be safe and the farther back in this 500-seater plane we go, the more flashbacks of Lost I’m getting. You know, the part on the show when the back of the plane is the first to snap off.  But, to my surprise, the back of the plane leads to a spiraling staircase to Heaven, a throwback to the planes from the 60s and 70s where first class was separated from coach by stairs. I follow the wife up the stairs and she leads me to my window seat in an aisle meant for holding baby carriages, which means:  THE MOST LEG ROOM I’VE EVER HAD ON A PLANE IN COACH IN LIFE.

Yes, I was still in coach. (I  could really tell I was in coach when I was deplaning and saw how even more fabulous a ride on Air France could be the further to the front you were seated on the top level.) But, I had my own personal TV and remote and could listen to free music or radio, or watch free TV and movies (well, it was included in your ticket price, I suppose).  Yes, I watched Twilight: Breaking Dawn for the ten millionth time, but to be jazzy, I watched it in French! I also watched “Le Roi Lion,” The Lion King in French, too, and since I hadn’t seen it before, My Week With Marilyn in English with French Subtitles. C’etait parfait! It was perfect.

And not just the entertainment.  Oh no. There was food. I dined like une reine, I tell you. I had bread and cheese, chicken on a kind of lemon rice piaf, penne pasta, strawberry lemon cake, tapioca pudding and champagne. (I would’ve taken a picture of it all, but I hadn’t eaten all day and it was gone by the time I thought about a picture.) Then, I had coffee and then banana liquor to wash it all down and put me to sleep. Except I didn’t go to sleep.  I watched movies or listened to Edith Piaf for the duration of the 7 hour flight. And as the dawn broke, I had un petit dejuneur: peach yogurt, coffee, croissant, blueberry muffin and orange juice.  Can’t beat that with a stick.

I always feel so close to God flying among the clouds and this trip was no exception. But it was exceptional. Even when I could see the moon in the sky, the sun was still somewhere blazing. Though I left D.C. at 4:40 in the afternoon on Friday and arrived in Paris at 6:30 a.m. Saturday, the day seemed endless and never really got dark enough to truly be night. What a preview of what Paris would be like! I’ve been here two days now and the night doesn’t fall until 11 p.m.! For a night owl to actually get a chance to experience the city by the light of day on my own time is absolutely indescribable.  I was made for this city.

But back to the flight.  Whoever warned me that the French love a sistah, you were so right!  My flight attendant flirted up a storm with me, but he refused to speak to me in French since I was struggling with a few words.  I really wanted to practice conversation, but he wasn’t having it 🙁 . And there was a bit of turbulence every now and again, but the take-off and landing were extremely smooth.  The captain and crew were first rate and we all applauded when the captain perfectly touched us down in Paris in the midst of rain and dark clouds.

I can’t say enough of about this flight. It was truly an experience that I am excited to have again.

Merci beaucoup, Air France! Je chante tes louanges.

Twilight over the Atlantic

Over France

Breaking Dawn 😀

A Perfect Landing in Rainy Paris




  • I’ve never been so comfortable on a plane in my life! Air France is a wonderful airline, everything from the inflight entertainment, to the dinner and limitless wine (we had some kind of seafood in red and white sauce…have yet to find this concoction anywhere else), to the flight attendance wardrobe (they changed into these very chic warm-up suits sometime before serving breakfast). If you ever go to Rome though steer clear of Alitalia…hated it!

  • Anon

    Thanks for the heads up, can’t wait to experience it myself…thank God for your safe arrival and safe and wonderful experience in France. Great post.

  • Anonymous

    Thank you for reading CReed and Anon! I’ll have to avoid Alitalia, as I absolutely want to get to Rome soon!

  • Silky Slim

    Excusez moi mademoiselle?
    I really think you need to get informed with the realities of the social struggles in France as much as you are on all the luxuries and nice things to enjoy.
    Just as much as it’s’a duty for us europeans visiting the states to have a basic knowledge and respect for the many struggles of the people of America including of course our black,latin and native american brother I think you need a reality check on France.
    I expected more from an Air France article on this blog. I think you should be boycotting and campaignin for a boycott on Air France who are currently harrassing and trying to get ridd of a black steward for wearing dreadlocks.
    Did you know that this company doesnt consider your natural look “chic” enough to fit his image?
    There”s’a deeper debate than 2 storey planes and champagne glasses and I expected to find it here…

    • Really, dude, my blog is about my experiences and I had a GREAT experience with Air France — natural hair and all — otherwise, I wouldn’t have written about it. IF you’d like to boycott it, go for the gold. I don’t have stock in this company. Getchu a wordpress blog and a petition for free99. (That’s American for “free”). Be blessed! -DD

  • Silky Slim

    No problems I get that u enjoyed it and I can understand that…However I’m sure that a little publicity on the everyday issues of Air France minority crew coming from its valued american customers might have them rethink their whole view on the way they treat their staff.
    Everyone deserves a little rest and pampering so if u dont mind being respected only for your dollars its okay but a little solidarity would have been nice..
    I dont mean to be spamming your site, I’m only commenting cause I find it interesting so I wish u a have nice day God bless

  • The flight attendant for my aisle seemed very pleased to be serving me, as did all of the Air France flight attendants I came into contact with. I can’t bring attention to what I don’t know or experience.

    And I absolutely want to be respected for my dollars; that’s the point of being a patron and the reason why patrons get upset when they are disrespected: they pay good money to be respected. I’m confused as to why that is supposed to be a problem.

    Many other students who were in the same Paris program I was in had horrible flights on other airlines, which highlighted even more for me what a rare experience I had, which is what motivated me to write this post in the first place. When I’m flying 6 hours straight, all I want is to be comfortable, eat good food, watch good movies and be treated with respect. Air France did that and more.

    While I genuinely hope the young man who was asked to wear a wig over his dredlocks will be able to wear his hair neatly in the style he wants, that’s probably not going to make me switch to one of those other airlines that I heard such horror stories about.

    I’m always saying I want more comments on the blog, and then get irritated when someone tells me what I should’ve written about, instead. It’s a flaw of mine. Thanks for reading and commenting! You’re appreciated.

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