District Diva on B. Smith's SiriusXM Radio Show Today!

Hi fellow Ditherers and Divas! At 4:15 EST, the District Diva will be on the B. Smith and Thank You Dan Show on SiriusXM radio, channel 128 to discuss my latest “The Spiritual Life” column on EBONY.com, “Dropping the Faith When Role Models Slip.” Take a peek at the column and be sure to tune in and sound off in the comments!

Imagine you’ve landed the job of your dreams. The CEO of your company is someone who has inspired you for years and is the sole reason you even pursued your current career path. Lucky you–you now get to work directly under her leadership! Things could not be better for you: you’re growing in your career and you work for a person and a company that you really believe in and love. Then, all hell breaks loose. One morning, you find out that the company is shutting down immediately, its assets are being frozen by the Feds and your hero, the most ideal boss of all time has been arrested for fraud and embezzlement. You’re hurt. You’re confused. Yes, you feel betrayed and deceived. And yes, you will absolutely pick yourself up and go get yourself another job ASAP–because your life depends on it.

Funny. When it comes to our spiritual life, we hardly ever bounce back so quickly.  But why don’t we? When we find out that Rev. Whatshecalled is really a no-good dirty dog, laying it low and spreading it wide, why don’t we pick ourselves up and go get ourselves another place of worship ASAP like our spiritual lives depend on it?

Read more on EBONY.com!



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