For The Kids (UPDATED)

So all types of tricks went down this week that I don’t care to blog about but you might want to check out:

Apparently Obama sucks because he didn’t go visit Rush Limbaugh in the hospital. Who is Rush Limbaugh?!

Helena Andrews had a whole 45 or so minute podcast about her book and didn’t even shout out The Dithering. boo.

Shopping bags cost $.05 now in D.C. in order to stop shopping bags from finding their way into the Anacostia River. Um, what?

UNSUCK DC METRO!!! They just can’t do it.

Douche of the week Gilbert Arenas suspended from the NBA. Tiger Woods says, “Thank you.”

I guess shuckin’ and jivin will only get you but so far, ay Michael Steele.

So, according to Vidal Sassoon, White hair is “Normal” hair. Annnnnnnnd its 2010.
Yaya from ANTM, my shero and naptural hair inspiration, in an international magazine.

MediaTakeOut linking to Media Matters for America. CLASSIC 😉

Tweet of the week:

“Not the only black girl in my Magazine Feature Writing class. I have to out perform that other chick!”

I will blog about this when my heart stops hurting. Serious sad face.



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