For the Kids: (No) Hope for Haiti

Per usual, all manner of trickery went down this week, but none disturbed me more than the headline “Wyclef Jean Officially Running For President Of Haiti After Filing Papers.”

Someone please call 9-1-1.

Yes, I had read the rumors that he was considering it, testing the waters, and whatnot. But I had hoped — prayed — that this was some kind of a joke, that he would never actually subject Haiti to his leadership. I was so, so wrong.

In a Palinesque level of self-awareness, Jean proclaimed: “America has Barack Obama and Haiti has Wyclef Jean!” (Oh, rly?) In the vein of (retracted) HuffPost writer Lisa S. Warren, cue the “Haiti done in by Wyclef Jean’s hubris” articles.

Then again, as the Associated Press noted,

The winner of the Nov. 28 general elections inherits a destroyed capital, 1.6 million homeless people and countless groups fighting over billions of dollars in international reconstruction funds pledged after a January earthquake that killed an estimated 300,000 people.

But even still, vote for me, because, really, how much worse can it get? doesn’t seem like an effective campaign slogan.

I don’t question his love for his native country at all.  Knowing the American tendency to forget, Clef has been wonderful about keeping our eyes on Haiti in the wake of her most recent devastation.  His humanitarian efforts there and his commitment to Haiti is not in question.  What is in question is his ability to lead a demolished country, riddled with government corruption.  The fact that his Yele Haiti foundation is shady, at best, and that IRS is hitting him up for over $2.1 million in back taxes does nothing to assuage concerns that his handling of funds for Haiti would be any better. (His response to his tax lien is hilariously priceless: “First of all, owing $2.1 million to the IRS shows you how much money Wyclef Jean makes a year.” Just…no.)

Jean appeals to emotions in his “open letter” explaining his decision to run for Haiti’s president — vote for me because I, like, really, really, really love Haiti! (Under that logic, I should have a starring role on Grey’s Anatomy. No one loves it more than me, do you hear me Shonda?!) There are plenty of reasons why he chose that route instead of explaining why his presidency would be logical.  He clearly has no political experience whatsoever, no known political ideology, and no college degree to speak of.  Yet, any questions about Clef’s lack of education, Clef’s brother, Sam Jean has dismissed as “elitist” (seriously, is Team Palin running this effort?).  But education does actually matter and might actually come in handy when deciding policy issues for any country — let alone one that needs to be entirely rebuilt.

And frankly, I don’t trust anyone who cheats on his spouse.  Emotions aside, betrayal of a spouse and vows shows a serious character flaw.

This is yet another example of a culture of you can be anything you want to be! gone wrong.  Yes, one should always strive to fulfill her highest potential and to necessarily fill a void she sees — within her limits.  If Clef really feels his presidency is the way to help Haiti, maybe become a resident of the country first.  (Unfortunately for the people of Haiti,) The problems will still persist 4 years from now — use this time to get a degree. Understand the politics and the infrastructure needs of the country.  Have an actual platform upon which to stand. Those things matter.

I am certain Clef has a role to play in the healing of Haiti.   I am just as certain that president is not that role.  This is not about you, sir! If you love the people and your country so much, I implore you, spare them the unnecessary Hurricane Jean.

Please go HERE to help raise $2,500 for the children of Haiti through UNICEF.

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  • So, Haiti’s history is bloody and violent and corrupt and generally effed… a country in perpetual crisis mode. Haiti has some unique needs… holistically speaking.

    Wyclef Jean may not be the most qualified candidate for the job, but (1) he’s willing to do it – and that says tons and (2) his presidency would mean many. many more eyes on Haiti and it’s government – meaning a step out of the political dark ages where violent corruption was the largely unchallenged rule. High profile me ans more accountability and I’m all for that.

    Still a lot TBD here…but I’m reserving judgment for now.

  • Abbs

    While I understand your viewpoint regarding his lack of platform and ideology to date, I disagree about what he can offer to the country. Of course, all I know about Haiti pretty much comes from Edwidge Danticat books and Haitian people I know, lets face it…after Touissant L’Overture, American authors were not in the business of writing about Haiti in our school history books except to be negative…back to the point, I think what he does offer is an opportunity for the country to have a leadership that they support and can eventually refine and develop…The mistake we make as a somewhat developed nation is not letting other countries develop on their own, telling them what they need…I think it is okay for them to first elect someone they love, trust whatever etc. and then roll on from there.

    Re: cheating spouses. I understand but even I have to remember…we are not all perfect, and our imperfections do not make us…if Barack ever cheats on Michelle (which I pray does not happen almost every night…weird, I know) I will watch how he handles it cause that tells the tale more than the sin, right? And I hope when I make a mistake people look at me the same…yeah, she was wrong but did she apologize, did she make amends, did she pray about it, did she do better?? That’s the way God would look at it. I hope.

  • Thanks for reading & commenting!!
    @The Capricious D: Sarah Palin wants the job of president of the united states…should we give it to her? But I do agree that Haiti’s gov’t will have more eyes on it with him being there. Why can’t he just move back and help rebuild??? I did some research into whether the President is just a symbolic figurehead or not according to the Haiti constitution. It is not. He can veto legislation. He can set policy. Just, no, no, no, no. His presidency would be a disaster.

    @Abbs I do think the Haitians should have a President they love. But, I think it’s more important that they have a president who can be an effective leader, with knowledge of the vastness of the problems, the political history, world history, and various ideologies in order to rebuild a country — and a government.

    And cheating was just thrown in for good measure, but seriously. He had a 10 year affair with Lauryn Hill, he begged cried about it in 2003, turned around in 2010(!!!) and gave his mistress money from the Yele Foundation (allegedly). So, yeah, that is a pattern of dishonest / untrustworthy behavior. If your spouse can’t trust you, who can?

    Sure, God forgives and no one is perfect. But, seriously? His imperfections scream please do not run for president. He should have said, “America has Sarah Palin and Haiti has Wyclef Jean,” instead.

  • "New Post: For the Kids: (No) Hope for Haiti"

  • @dcblogs New post: (No) Hope for Haiti Wyclef Jean for Pres? "Someone Please Call 9-1-1"

  • @blackvoices New post: (No) Hope for Haiti Wyclef Jean for Pres? "Someone Please Call 9-1-1"

  • @honeymagazine New post: (No) Hope for Haiti Wyclef Jean for Pres? "Someone Please Call 9-1-1"

  • @huffingtonpost New post: (No) Hope for Haiti Wyclef Jean for Pres? "Someone Please Call 9-1-1"

  • Shoutout to @Shondarhimes in new post (this is a real shoutout!)

  • Join the discussion: WHY is Wyclef officially running for president?

  • Abbs

    Even I would vote for Wyclef’s cheating ass over momma grizzly. BUT that last statement is pretty funny.

  • MDFinerWoman

    There is NO WAY you love GA more than I do. It AINT possible.
    Five weeks until the season premiere.. Just sayin.

    And I aint feeling Wyclef as President of ANYTHING, much less an actual country that is in such serious need of rebuilding. Come on, Son.

  • MDFinerWoman

    ETA: so his bid was rejected because. . . wait for it… he hasn’t been a resident of the country for five years. You know, some thing about living in a country for a consecutive number of years before you try to become President of it. Which makes me even FURTHER question his seriousness as he didnt take the time to READ THE REQUIREMENTS. boo and hiss

    Boy, bye!!

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