A Diva at the White House: Why Nothing's Impossible With God!

After a lovely church service at First Baptist of Glenarden on Sunday (thanks, Christi for the invite!!), I decided the beautiful weather begged to be enjoyed.  So, I took a little stroll in my church clothes from my apartment to no place in particular. The goal was to return a bra to Victoria’s Secret in DuPont and catch up on some work at the office. I took the path by the White House, like I always do, and prayed, like I always do when I pass the White House, that one day, those gates would open up to me. But what I’d planned to be an ordinary day, God made extraordinary!

The very first blog post I ever wrote on this site explained why I moved to Washington, D.C.: to work for President Obama (or the First Lady!) in the White House.  So for two years, I’ve been walking past the White House gates and praying that God would open them up to me.  Some days I’d walk away from the White House discouraged and other days I’d walk away feeling full of hope and change. But Sunday, I didn’t walk away at all.  I hadn’t even finished my sentences before a White House staffer came up to me with a ticket in his hand, asking me if I wanted to take the final White House gardens tour of the year. Uh, YEAH, I said, and I took my ticket, ran to the E Street entrance of the White House, showed my ticket, and the gates were opened up for me (and a few thousand other golden ticket holders).

I had a wonderful time touring the South side of the White House and being so close to the West Wing! It was an awesome experience — not just being at the White House, but to receive an instantaneous and quite literal answer to prayer! For a moment, I didn’t want to leave the grounds or go back outside of those gates. But how silly! Besides catching a charge for trespassing, what was I afraid of? God had just literally answered my prayer and opened up the gates to me, perhaps not in the way or for the reason that I asked Him, but He did it! If He did it then, are the gates too strong for Him to do it again?! God consistently shows to me that there is nothing impossible when He is involved. No one is too important or too far out of my reach, if God has ordained it!

As Hebrews 13:6 says, “So we can say with confidence, ‘The LORD is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?'” And what is impossible when God sets a plan in motion? The answer to both is NOTHING! Therefore, “Be earnest and unwearied and steadfast in your prayer [life], being [both] alert and intent in [your praying] with thanksgiving.” Colossians 4: 2. So, “Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.” Philippians 4: 6.

Some out there may have seen another Diva in the White House on Sunday. What I saw was that prayer changes things!


Where they land Marine One, the President’s helicopter!

The Residence

The Oval Office / West Wing

A Diva at the White House!

The White House Kitchen Garden smells AMAZING. It was planted in 2009 by First Lady Michelle Obama and local school children. The chef prepares each meal with the harvest of this garden.

Park Ranger Jim was so knowledgeable about the White House Kitchen Garden! Thank you, sir!
 The President meets a Diva a year ago almost exactly! October 12, 2010. Dreams do come true 🙂 Keep praying, keep believing, keep expecting!



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