A Few of My Favorite Things

It’s raining and miserable in the District today. I need to cheer up. In honor of Precious, I am going to write everyday. –work doesn’t count–I’m writing just for me. Maybe not a 1000 word blog, but just something to improve my writing, to release, and to bolster my self-analysis. So, here we go, a few of my favorite things today:

~Random G-chat conversations

~Long weekends

~Being retweeted on Twitter

~Writing to feel better

~Long, hot showers that are perfect for crying

~My mother at Christmastime

~Compliments from homeless people who want a quarter

~Reading a good book that makes me want to hang out with the author

~Train rides

~The smell of my house after a long weekend away

~Days off

~Homemade gingerbread cookies in the breakroom

~Black Friday!



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