On Winning

Thank you all so much for reading / commenting / sharing / and voting!  Because of your support, I won the 2010 Black Weblog Award for Best New Blog by both the Popular Vote and the Judges Vote!  This means I get to call myself an “award-winning blogger” AND I get to go to the Blogging While Brown Conference in L.A. next July!

I won’t lie and say those aren’t great things about winning. These are wonderful things.  But this right here? This is what it’s all about:

#7 01 September 2010 12:21 (e)

Dear District Diva,
this .. right here … encouraged me. I have tears in my eyes because I’m going through a similar situation. I’m a senior in college, with one major on paper, another i’m taking classes for, and in my mind i’m undecided! [yes – it’s really as complicated as it sounds!] i have several roads i can take, one kind of clear cut and the others confusing and unknown! the two things i hate/am afraid of the most! and i’m afraid mainly because… what if i make the wrong decision & ruin my life?! but I can’t ruin my life is GOD is at the wheel!! i’ve been wavering back and forth between being comfortable stepping out on that limb and staying close to my comfort zone … but i know that’s just not me!
I really can’t thank you enough for this. this is my first time reading your blog [thanks to the black weblogs – congrats btw!] & I will be reading regularly!
Congrats on your new position. hope we can read about it soon :)

Maybe she would’ve come across the blog some other way; God has a way of working things out like that.  But in any event, the blog awards led her to a post and a message that God had for her.  What else is there?

I thank God for Maurice Cherry for starting the Black Weblog Awards to honor Black bloggers who may not have been recognized otherwise; I thank God for Cristine and everyone who reads because I beg them to or because they accidentally happened upon the site; and I thank God for His message and that even I, in my sullied, human mess, can never screw His message up.

God be praised always.




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