Check Out My Election 2012 Coverage on!

Ditherers and Divas!! I know by now you’ve all gotten out the vote in your respective states.

Seriously, no country for people who don’t vote. If you didn’t vote:

But I know you all did, so congratulations for being a part of the solution.  But as I write in an op-ed on today, at least half of our country is going to wake up angry tomorrow and we have a loooong way to go before we can begin to heal from the divisive tactics that have become a mainstay in American politics.  Check out my piece, “ELECTION 2012: After Today, Then What?” to hear my solution to the hatred and ignorance that has permeated our politics.

I’ve also got an interview with Roland Martin up where he says (excuse his French): “Vote or Shut the H*** Up!”

My op-ed, “President Obama Has My Christian Vote” is also back up on today.

And finally, I’ll be interviewing NAACP President Ben Jealous tonight at 11 for his reaction. Don’t miss all the coverage on!

You already know, the District Diva is riding with President Obama!




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