DC District Diva Give-Away!!! The Diva Bag — RELOADED!! UPDATED: WE HAVE A WINNER!!

UPDATED 12/30 1:20 P.M.: Congratulations to Tomehka, winner of The Diva Bag!!! Tomehka is Chasing God + Purpose by reading the Bible daily and applying the lessons to her life and praying for God to reveal her purpose to her every day!  Thanks so much for reading, Tomehka, and keep up with Tomehka’s journey with God on her blog: http://freemeex.wordpress.com/!

Attention Divas!!! I’m giving away The Diva Bag — stocked with a Carol’s Daughter Healthy Hair Set (value = $55) to one reader.  To win, follow me on Twitter, Like “The Dithering of a District Diva” on Facebook, and email diva@dcdistrictdiva.com and tell me how you’re “Chasing God + Purpose” by Next Friday January 28 at 12 noon!

This medium-sized Diva-pink canvass tote bag has a thick black bottom, sturdy black handles, and features the DCDistrictDiva.com slogan “Chasing God + Purpose.”  The Carol’s Daughter Healthy Hair Set includes:

  • Lisa’s Hair Elixir, 8 fl oz
  • Tui Herbal Shampoo, 8 fl oz
  • Tui Hair Smoothie, 8 oz
  • Macadamia Heat Protection Gloss, 2oz
  • Find details about the Carol’s Daughter Healthy Hair Set here.

    Follow DCDistrictDiva on Twitter.  Become a fan of “The Dithering of a District Diva” on Facebook.




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