Essence Magazine Features!

Exciting news, fellow Divas and Ditherers! In the November 2011 issue of Essence Magazine (the one with the gorgeous Idris Elba on the cover) the editors have compiled “The Big Black Book of Web Sites.” They are calling it “Our exclusive guide to the best online sites for you.” Guess which site is featured in the “Health  & Wellness” section on page 114 RIGHT NEXT TO MICHELLE OBAMA’S BLOG!!! (and online) It’s!

The blurb about reads,”This blog, which won a 2011 Black Weblog award, captures the spiritual walk of a twentysomething who serves up funny, poignant ditherings about her faith.”

This is awesome!! Any way to get the message of Christ and encouragement in Christ out to more people worldwide is worth giving God praise over!!! A special shout out to my cousin Johnetta for spotting the feature while browsing her Essence! And thanks so much to Essence Mag for the feature, and to all new readers for stopping by!! I’m praying that this site will continue to be a vessel to uplift, encourage, and inspire folks to be “Chasing God + Purpose” every day! There is no greater way to live than to consistently be walking in your God-given purpose!

Thanks so much, again, to every one and let’s keep walking in faith together! Oh, and GO BUY AN ESSENCE MAGAZINE TODAY!!




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