Fear Not: The Government is on HIS Shoulders

You are probably aware by now that the federal government of the United States has shut down operations for the first time in 17 years.  The Republicans in the House of Representatives have banded together to prevent Congress from passing a budget to fund government operations in an attempt to undermine funding for the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as “Obamacare”). Republicans know that Obamacare (a health care law that provides affordable access for all) has been upheld as constitutional by the highest court in the land, the Supreme Court, and is in effect as of yesterday. They also know that Obamacare IS NOT subject to this petty budget fight, and will be fully-funded, despite this tantrum they are throwing.

Despite these facts, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has gone rogue, bucking his party leader, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) and is leading the rally to continue this shutdown that has left 800,000 government employees without jobs and 1 million employees without pay for the work they’re still required to do as “essential” government employees. Meanwhile, the Republicans will continue to receive their $147,000 annual salary.

If this shutdown continues beyond a few weeks, those who will be the most devastated by this shutdown are  poor children and needy families, as the Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program that provides food and baby formula will not have the funds to function. If you’re a student who has not received your student loan or Pell Grant disbursement yet, you very well may not.  The Food and Drug Administration will not be able to inspect food. Nearly 20,000 flight safety inspectors have already been sent home.  The Centers for Disease Control will not be monitoring the flu virus. All of our lives are being jeopardize by the ones who profess to be pro-life!

Many of us are angry about this. Some of us are even scared. But in times like these, when people who don’t even know who you are seem to have such extraordinary power over your day-to-day life and your future, how can you have peace? With all of this uncertainty and chaos on every side, what can we do but fear? 

We can trust.

The prophet Isaiah foresaw the coming of Jesus Christ long before His lowly birth in Bethlehem, and Isaiah’s prophecy read that “the government shall be upon His shoulders.” That means that all authority, in Heaven and on Earth would belong to Emmanuel, “God with us.” Isaiah declared that “His name shall be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” That ought to calm your very soul!

If you’re one of the 1 million Americans working without pay or the 800,000 furloughed employees worried about how you will pay your bills in these coming weeks or even months, do not forget that your help, your needs were NEVER met by your government job. It wasn’t President Obama or Congress or your boss’s, boss’s, boss who gave you everything you needed to make ends meet. Your help has and ALWAYS WILL come from the Lord!

You don’t have to fear because Emmanuel, the mighty God who lasts forever, is with you, making a way for you, meeting your every need. You don’t have to worry because the Prince of Peace is leading your every step if you would only trust Him.  He has promised you “peace that surpasses all understanding,” and in this crazy time we’re living in, we need some peace that just doesn’t make sense! Cash in on the promises of God. Read your Bible and meditate on His words day and night. Be encouraged! Trust that He is the Lord your God and His words NEVER return to Him void but will accomplish exactly what He desires and will achieve the purpose for which He sent it.

Christians, this time of chaos is a time for us to be witnesses and willing instruments for God. We must be awake to the problems this government shutdown is causing the people of our nation. If you see your neighbors struggling, bear their burdens. Churches, be relevant! If you have people in your congregation who will not be able to make ends meet with the loss of these government programs and the loss of income, pick up the slack! The very first Christian church in the book of Acts prospered because they shared everything and gave to anyone who had a need. We need to be the Acts Church in today’s world. And all of us need to remember this time and vote, vote, vote, in every possible election, both local and national, to protect the well-being of our nation from those who would hold us hostage for political gain. It is our responsibility as Christians to be alive to the pain of those around us and to be examples of Christ’s loving kindness through our good works and compassion. Keep the faith. God is with us always, even unto the end of the world!

For any needs, including prayers, please email diva [AT] districtdiva [DOT] com at any time and we will help or find help for you. Verse of the Day: “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” Prov. 29:25.

Resources: Federal Workers Eligible for Unemployment During Furlough




  • Simone

    Dear Diva:

    Thanks for the encouragement for the shutdown. Thank goodness its over! My husband and I are both federal workers, and he had to work without pay. So, it was a time of testing for us.

    But, what I really wanted to say is congrats on following your dreams and having the realized. I met you a few years ago at Screen on the Green and you encouraged me to keep writing (but I didn’t), and I came across your blog again a few months ago. And, you have REALLY re-inspired me to dream big. Congratulations on making it to the White House and to Ebony. I can’t wait to see what your future holds! May God continue to bless you.

    • You’re so welcome, Simone! I am glad you and your husband are back to work and prospering! I absolutely remember you from Screen on the Green! I am looking to take my own advice in 2014 LOL! I’ve done so much writing for other outlets and on my novel that I have really neglected my blog. Thanks so much for your encouragement! I’ll be looking for your writing!

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