Feature Friday: My True Soul Mate

Feature Friday will feature blog posts / stories from DCDistrictDiva.com readers who are either currently participating in the 6-Months-No-Dating Pledge or have done so in the past and want to share their stories.  Here is reader Precious’ story:

My True Soul Mate

So,  I decided to take a 6-Months-No-Dating Pledge (….6 months of taking a step back from everything, allowing myself to draw closer to God and allowing him to work on me).  It’s only been 6 weeks but I swear it seems that time is just flying by.  The other day, I thought to myself “Is 6-months even long enough?!”  The irony behind that thought is that we, as humans, tend to think “if it isn’t hard, then it isn’t working”.  What’s amazing is since I’ve fully committed to the pledge (or better yet, “committed myself to the chase of God, his will and purpose for my life”) life seems to be free flowing.

When I first decided to take the pledge initially I was scared…secretly consumed by the constant flirtation with the idea of “NEEDING” to date to increase my chances of finding “THE ONE”.  Being 27, educated, careered, with no children, what else was I to do?  That is supposed to be the next step, right?!  If not, that is certainly the path that familial and societal pressures tend to force us single, young folk, into.

However (in the past) coming up short and often feeling like there was something missing, I decided to give it and God a chance.  After all what could I really lose by surrendering my life to God, whom I already truly love and admire???  HA! What I didn’t know was I should’ve been questioning, what I could gain!

Since surrendering not only my dating life, but my whole life to God, I have been so fulfilled.  My desire for a pure and open heart, desire to serve, pray, love, and forgive has increased tremendously.  Seriously, the last 6 weeks have truly been amazing!!  Just in this short time God has been transforming my heart and my mind and as a result a lot of my relationships are really growing (with less conflict and more love).  With the help of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, I have been able to let go of past anger and resentments and have already reconnected with some of the people that I truly love.  These days my heart is filled with so much joy, contentment and peace, and I must admit, it feels darn good!!

I will be honest though; everything hasn’t been all peaches and cream.  I have had several moments when I felt very weak.  When I say weak, I mean feelings of loneliness, negative thoughts about whether I would EVER find a husband, and/or feelings of unwillingness to do what it takes to develop a more intimate relationship with God (i.e. praying, reading the bible, fellowshipping).  In those times, I acknowledged how I was feeling and asked people to pray for me as I also prayed for strength.

Also, to eradicate such thoughts and feelings I’ve made a conscious effort to further to discover more about myself and my purpose. I’ve become immersed in new endeavors, in things that I love, and most importantly in more Godly activities.   For example:

  • Spending more time with close family and friends
  • Increased church attendance and fellowship activities
  • Involvement in new business endeavors (which I can’t wait to share more details with you guys)
  • Spending lots of time taking care of my body, feeding my mind and soul (working out, attending a Holistic health program, reading spiritual books and health related materials, etc)

To add, I have been more consistent in spending time with God and I have recently been baptized.  I have been able to better hear God’s voice and better apply God’s word to my life. Seriously…my life is really changing for the better!

It is worth noting that I didn’t plan for any of these changes.  In fact, when I initially took the pledge I didn’t have a plan at all and I was a little worried about where I would spend my extra time.  I was also probably more negative in my thinking than I was encouraged for what I could gain from this experience…BUT in just 6 weeks time, I can say that I am more encouraged than ever and excited for what God has for me next.  God has truly been showing up and showing out in my life and it all started with my decision to trust Him and allow Him to be MY TRUE SOUL MATE!

I can seriously go on and on about this but I encourage you to give God a chance as I leave you with this:

…. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of GodNow to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us Ephesians 3:17-20

With Love,





  • andrea

    Wow that was a great testimony… put your trust in God and he will see you through. I’m glad that i’m able to witness your amazing journey…. stay strong and focused… the rest of the 6 months will fly by 😉

  • Anonymous

    AWesome! To God Be the Glory! Wishing you every good gift from above. Can’t wait to hear what’s coming ahead in your future!

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