How Do You Love People So Much They Stop Being Racists?

This picture and caption are a part of the lead story on Fox Nation right now:

****Updated*****So, I assumed that people would see this image and headline of our President and be equally taken aback.  I should not have made that assumption, so allow me to explain what is wrong with this picture:

1) The only “hip-hop” figure in this picture is Jay-Z. Chris Rock is a comedian, Charles Barkley is a former NBA player, and Barack Obama, as you know, is our President.  The piece that Fox Nation links to is from Politico, and shows that there were several high-ranking government officials present, several of the President’s law school friends, and several other celebrities, including:  “Steve Harvey, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Grant Hill, Gayle King” –none of whom are associated with the “hip hop” industry.

2)Using “hip-hop” to describe President Obama’s private birthday party is Fox Nation’s not so subtle race-baiting reminder to its audience that the President is black. Describing President Obama’s birthday party in the Rose Garden as a “Hip Hop BBQ” — because among other things, the guests were served BBQ chicken — incites in the minds of its audience the stereotypical images of violent Black male thugs eating chicken and occupying a space they shouldn’t occupy:  the White House.

3) This image and headline coupled with Fox Nation’s history of racism and race-baiting allows the reader to conclude that their actions were intentionally and strategically offensive. They know their audience and they know what their audience likes to see. It is disgusting.  It is discouraging.


We can’t change these people. We cannot argue them into reason.  And we cannot match their hatred. All we can do is pray that God changes the hearts of these hateful people.   When you see people so full of venom and ignorance, it ought to make you sad, not angry. When you are sad for them instead of angry with them, you can find compassion in your heart for them.  Then, you are able to pray that they reach their highest God-given potential.  That is how we love them. And that is how we avoid become consumed by their hatred.  As Christ commands in Matthew 5:

 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Let’s be perfect, family.




  • Henny

    i have seen it all. “hip hop barbecue,” indeed!

    would they have called bush’s birthday party a “country cook out”? doubt it!

  • Are you surprised? Reading your brief analysis, it seems as tho you answer your own question. FoxNation is appealing to its audience, which makes absolute sense from a business stand point. So my question to you, would you like for FoxNation to change, or for their audience to change?

  • So true, Bengemin!! My hope is that the WORLD would change. Having a true encounter with Christ changes your heart and erases evil and replaces it with love. A loving heart steers clear of any offense, including racism. My hope is that we would not only pray for Fox and their audience to have such an encounter with Christ, but also that we BE that encounter, by showing them what love is and forgiveness and kindness are. That is the call of the Christian, and if we would start actually living and loving like Christ, our world would be a different place. Time for us to get on the job!!!

  • DD, I agree with everything you say, both in theory and in practice. My only reservation (and this is not a discouragement) is jus that I don’t believe you are near the first person to say this. And I don’t think you’re the first person to say this within the last 500 years. I think these issues have always been prevalent, and will continue to be prevalent so long as individuals in positions of influence understand the power of manipulation…in any context…and that most especially includes the context of the Bible.

    Let’s be honest, at the same time the FoxNation audience may not want to see black people in the White House (as you mentioned in your above FB comment), is it not the same audience who is pushing for our government to institutionalize more “Christian” conservative values into our Constitution? I do not agree with them, but then they’re not going to agree with either of us, and would claim to be using the same moral code as you.

    Do I present a legitimate quandary or am I completely off the mark here?

  • Absolutely, Bengemin!! Here’s the thing, everything called Christian, AINT!! Now the people who feed into and participate in racism may claim to be Christian and may claim to want to institute “Christian values” but that does not make it so. They can go to church every Sunday, they can have an “I Love Jesus” bumper sticker, and they can follow the Ten Commandments to a tee. That does not a Christian make! The Lord says “obedience is better than sacrifice,” which means God doesn’t care about your checklist: I didn’t cheat on my husband today, I paid my tithes today, I went to church today. He cares about our heart! Do we have the heart to obey God? The scripture I quote in the post from Matthew says to love your enemies, love those who disagree with you. In Luke 6:28 He extends it to say “bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” That’s a heart change. Do you know what kind of heart you have to have in order to do that tall order??! That’s God in you that allows you to go so far as to pray for those who have hurt you and seek the highest good for their lives so that God can be made manifest in them. SUPER hard to do. But it is a tell-tale sign of who is behaving in a Christ-like manner and who isn’t.

    John 13:35 Christ says: “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” Therefore, if it aint LOVE, it aint Christian! No matter protests to the contrary 🙂

    I am nowhere near the inventor of the concept that Christians have been failing on the job. Many have said it before, and I’m sure many will say it after. Just like the racists at Newscorp and all over the world, we can’t change their behavior or heart. Only God can do that. What we CAN do is be a vessel for God by showing love and living as Christ lived and doing as He did.

  • Again, I absolutely agree with you. The only problem is that my agreeing with you isn’t going to change anything. To me, this seems as tho it’s an issue of leadership.

    I’ll be honest with you, I do not consider myself to be Christian despite the fact many of beliefs fall in line with Christianity and those found in the Bible. I’ve chosen to go my own way with things which (in my heart) is good for me because I recognize my heart and I also recognize what you’re saying. However, I’m more of a special case. I think the large majority of us believe what we believe because we’ve been influenced by someone or something, whether it be our parents, our communities, or some “come to Jesus” life altering experience.

    For every argument that you make (and I’m inclined to agree with most of them) there are individuals in positions of leadership and power who influence their followers to accept non-Christian ideas as Christian. I think that ousting these pulpits for the corrupt leaders they are would do a great deal of good. However, I also understand that this is a great ordeal, and I’m not sure how plausible it is either.

    Jus my thinking is all. Again, great topic.

  • “Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.” Matthew 21:12. Let’s not get it twisted, loving folks doesn’t mean we don’t have to go into the temple and tear some stuff up, too! LOL! That’s exactly what Jesus did– He cleaned house, and it’s absolutely our responsibility to call out hypocrites who are leading people astray with lies and deception and manipulation.

    But one of the main reasons why I haven’t gone to seminary, though I”d LOVE to go, is just for the simple fact that I want to advocate to people the importance of reading the Bible for yourself!! People can only manipulate the ignorant. Those who say they are Christians need to read the Bible for themselves and stop taking what someone told them as gospel. That’s why I try as much as possible to put scripture references and links so that people can follow up and do their own research into these matters.

    You’re right, if we think about the 6.6 BILLION people in this world, it’s a daunting and unthinkable task to try to change them all. That’s why we shouldn’t try to! Our responsibility is not for 6.6 Billion, only to impact those who are in our paths. That’s what we can do — What we can! And correcting people in a loving fashion, praying for enemies, and showing love in a physically manifested way are all things that we are capable of doing. Time to get it done 🙂

  • Kenya J

    I just wanted to say your blog is absolutely wonderful. The topics you post and your general way of thinking is all positive. What keeps me interested is how you reference the bible along with your views & opininons.

  • Very well said! Preach it!

  • Thanks for reading and commenting, guys!!

  • Pingback: Townhall & Washington Times Race-Baiters Desperately Cling to “Angry Black Woman” Stereotype for Michelle Obama

  • Joshua Lubin

    4 July 1776
    Declaration of Independence

    January 1, 1863
    The Emancipation Proclamation

    1964, Civil Rights Act, essentially eliminating legalized racial segregation in the United States.

    My point…. Don’t worry, things will get better every 100 years or so! In the mean time, love thy neighbors because either way we’ll end up loving each other around Valentines Day Feb 14, 2212

    I believe that racism is a luxury of not not having to deal with external enemies.

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