Loving Anyway

Love is not for the moment, or until you’re no longer of use.

Love is not so long as you look the same and provide for me in the ways I’m used to.

Love is not while you are yet unchanged.

It is a daily conscious choice to love a person’s soul more than her actions and more than his flaws.

It is difficult and even unfathomable, at times.

But, because Christ first loved us in spite of ourselves, He freed us to love others in spite of themselves, and to love ourselves in spite of who we are.

There are, then, no excuses not to love — anyway.


I once heard it said that “when you find your people, you find your purpose.” God has placed me in certain people’s lives because I am supposed to pour into them. God has placed certain people into my life because they are supposed to pour into me. I’ve been so blessed by the lessons I’ve learned, the people who taught them to me, and the people who are learning right along with me.  Whatever category they are in, I LOVE my people! And I’ve found my purpose.

*This is in no way an exhaustive collage. Click the bottom picture to see the whole thing, sorry! My blog won’t let me be great*




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