September Prototype Mitzi Miller is the New Editor-in-Chief of Jet Magazine

Our September 2010 Prototype Mitzi Miller has been named the new Editor-in-Chief of Jet Magazine! Mitzi will bring her vision and unmatchable creative energy to the Johnson Publishing Company where she will be leading the revitalization of the magazine under the guidance of the fabulous Ms. Desiree Rogers!  That means we are putting out an S.O.S, fellow divas –“Support Our Sisters!” Subscribe to Jet Magazine or renew your subscription if you already know what time it is!  We at are SO proud of this prototypical woman, and are so excited to see what awesome things she’s going to do over at Jet!

We know you’ll miss your NYC benches, but here’s hoping you’ll love it in the Chi!

Read Mitzi’s announcement on her blog, Mitzi’s Moments and follow her on Twitter.

Vote for “The Prototype Series” for the Black Weblog Award for “Best Blog Series” here (using this url:

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One comment

  • Anonymous

    CONGRATULATIONS MITZI! What a wonderful achievement and honor. Looking forward to continued inspiring and educational news from our number one black weekly magazine. I know she will continue to make us proud!

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