Somewhere, A Single, Sad, Lonely Girl Just Got Her Wings

Just when I had come to grips with the reality that “The Notebook” was just a stupid movie that I should not aspire to:

After 59-Year Marriage, Couple Die Moments Apart

(Dec. 16) — For 59 years, James and Lolie Brackin epitomized love and marriage, their children told the Daily News of Northwest Florida.

They eloped in the back of a dump truck when she was 16, and they always did everything together — even passing away within moments of each other in a Florida nursing home on Saturday.

“We’re going to miss them terribly, but we’re glad this happened the way it did,” their eldest daughter, Carol Gruver, told the paper. The Brackins had four daughters.

He served more than 25 years in the Army, including tours in Vietnam and Korea. But the separation didn’t appear to dim their affections. The Brackins always held hands, and they called each other “honey” so often one of their grandchildren thought that was his name. Lolie Brackin never liked going anywhere alone, and he was always with her, their family said.

The Brackins both had health problems. He lived with one of their daughters, while she stayed in a nursing home. But he had grown weaker, and on Friday moved into the nursing home with her. They had one last night together. He was 79, she 76.

Their joint funeral service was scheduled for Wednesday.

I don’t know. I still think I’d be late for that…



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