Spotted in the District: Things I Don't Want

I created Spotted in the District for the days when I need to write something but am feeling otherwise uninspired.

Today is one of those days.


A younger Cicely Tyson (think: Tyson in that movie Samaritan) on the Mall, wrapped in a purple blanket and matching headscarf carrying bags on the hottest 7 A.M. I’ve ever experienced in the District. She jumped at me and put something like a hex on me, and then kept walking like she didn’t just do that. I rebuked her in my head. Only in D.C.

A beautiful baby boy giggled, stuck his finger in his mouth, and smiled at me, coyly, as I sat next to him on the metro. (It normally takes a baby boy 15.4 seconds to fall madly in love with me.  It only gets worse as they age :)) I smiled back at my new boyfriend, “Hi, pretty!” (I call babies “pretty.”) And we played a game of hide and seek for about 30 seconds.  Then his mother started messing with his face and he randomly started spitting and crying and was no longer pretty at all. My face scrunched up. If anybody is going to be randomly spitting and crying around here, it’s gonna be me. No bueno.

After I got off work and discovered my evening plans had been rescheduled, I took a long walk in the District –from Chinatown to the White House to DuPont.  None of those locations took my mind off the fact that yet another White House Correspondents’ Dinner was occurring and I was not on the guest list (when’s it gonna be my turn???).  But, as I soaked in the city and the surreal perfect weather, I saw a young couple out on a restaurant’s patio, enjoying drinks and what, behind sunshades, looked like young love. How lovely, I thought, to be young and in love on a patio sipping drinks on a perfect day. But the couple refused to play along.  As I got closer, I heard the young woman’s desperate whisper-scream: “I’m tired! You say you love me but you don’t want to commit and I don’t understand…” I drowned them out by humming the first thing that came to my mind–the song I always sing when its sunny outside, from The Brady Bunch Movie: I think I’ll go for a walk outside now, the sunshine’s calling my name, I hear ya now I just can’t stay inside all day, I gotta get out get me some of those raaaaaaaays (I could really keep going, I know the whole song).  Ugh! If it’s one thing I don’t ever want to do again, it is fight with a guy over not getting what I want from him. Boys really are like buses. I learned this from Gucci–and from living in the city.




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