The Christian Witness of Sybrina Fulton

In the wake of Trayvon Martin’s killing and George Zimmerman’s acquittal, Time Magazine has documented the incredible witness for Christ that Trayvon’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, has been. Here’s an excerpt from Time:

If there is one person who has sustained Sybrina Fulton through her son Trayvon Martin‘s death, it has, without question, been Jesus Christ. Tragedy tends to have a polarizing effect on a person’s faith—people often run from God or cling to God when their worlds shatter—and Fulton has used her undesired position in the public spotlight to witness to the God she serves. Her Christian testimony started before George Zimmerman was even arrested. Last March she turned Travyon’s hoodie, a sign of protest, into a spiritual symbol. ”He’s in heaven with God—and he has on a hoodie. He has on a heavenly hoodie,” she told TIME. That was just the beginning.

Fulton, an active member of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Miami Gardens, tweeted a miniature prayer almost every day of Zimmerman’s trial. It was a profound choice given the extreme attention surrounding the case and the platform for political activism she was suddenly given. She openly prayed “the blood of Jesus over this courtroom,” a Christian expression for asking for God’s grace and healing presence in difficult circumstances. She shared her favorite Bible verses, and multiple times pointed followers to her favorite passage from the Old Testament book of Proverbs: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Fulton made sure everyone knew that Christ was the center of her focus, and that she would trust him even though it meant walking through the valley of the shadow of death. Read more:

What an amazing witness! What a testimony! In her darkest hour, she has used every ounce of national attention she’s gotten as a result of her son’s killing to share her faith in Jesus Christ. Could we do that in our best hour, let alone our worst? Could we still trust God and use every opportunity we get to shrink in His presence and give Him all glory?

So much to ponder and so much to be inspired by. Thank you for your witness and your strength, Ms. Fulton. We are with you and praying for you, Tracy Martin and your families.

Tweet Ms. Fulton your prayers and support @SybrinaFulton.



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