"The Love Dare" Day 2 — Take 2 — "Love is STILL Kind"

So I redid Day #2 of “The Love Dare,” because I did not do my one act of unexpected kindness, and also because I did not exhibit patience as were the instructions from Day #1, which are supposed to carry over into every day of this 40 day-dare.


I still did not complete my one act of unexpected kindness on my Day #2 retake. I figured something would arise that would qualify as an unexpected kindness…but…alas, nothing arose. But, I’m not going to keep repeating this day because the point of the dare is to practice these challenges everyday, and carry them over to tomorrow until it becomes second nature — until God has changed my heart to want to do nothing else.

I am happy to report that, though I was quite tempted to be unkind to someone who was unkind to me, I practiced an atypical amount of restraint. My lovely sistow gave me some scriptures on kindness to meditate on instead of speaking what was on my mind: (Thanks, SistaDiva!)

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32

Colossians 3:12 –

Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,

Proverbs 11:17 –

A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.

I will keep meditating on these scriptures going into Day #3: “Love is not Selfish.”

It would be GREAT if there was some kind of pre-fashioned prayer to go with each daily dare! That would be really helpful. Or perhaps, since this is such a personal journey with God, everyone — or couple — has to fashion their own.  For tomorrow, I’ll just say:

Thank you Lord for your lessons on patience, kindness, and unselfishness. Help me today to continue to have a heart that desires to chase Your ways.  Please continue to work within me to change my heart to reflect Yours. Let me be patient and kind to others as You are patient and kind to me.  Let me be unselfish, and instead, let everything I do be for Your glory and honor alone, because You are so worthy. In Jesus name!

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