The Love Dare, Day 3: Love Is Not Selfish

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So, Day 2: Love is Kind, went much better this time around! I won’t share what I did to complete the dare, but I did unexpected acts of kindness for others and more important, my heart was right while doing them, so I’m feeling pretty great knowing that God is pleased with my love offering. I had more of a struggle with Day 2 of the Full-Body Cleanse as my diet of kale, celery, cucumber, strawberry and banana smoothies are competing with my roommates fatty fatty deliciousness that they keep bringing around me. But, here I still am, on to Day 3 of The Love Dare and the Cleanse.  Cleaning out the system is certainly a process, but I’m still excited about it and ready for my life — and ego — to get wrecked by God’s holy process.

Day 3: Love Is Not Selfish

Today’s Scripture: Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor. –Romans 12:10

Today’s Lesson: The Love Dare authors explain in this chapter that selfishness is the exact opposite of love.  Where selfishness is self-seeking, love is complete sacrifice of self.  Just like Christ laid down His life for us to show us ♫ the greatest love of all ♫ we have to lay down our lives (our wants, our desires) to meet the needs of others.  The authors explain that you cannot act out of love and selfishness at the same time.  Though we hate to admit it, most of our actions are done with a selfish intent. That is the root of many of our relationship problems.  But if we can teach ourselves to recognize selfishness in OURSELVES first, we can learn to overcome those impulses, in Jesus’s name, and become reflections of Christ’s selfless love on earth and to His people.

Today’s Dare: Continue to restrain yourself from speaking negative comments and do something for someone that let’s them know they were on your mind.

Scriptures I’m meditating on today:

1 Corinthians 13:5: “Love does not seek its own.”

Philippians 2:3: “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.

James 3:16: “Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder.”

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