UPDATED: WE HAVE A WINNER!! Valentine's Day Giveaway! $150 Dinner for Two at Georgia Brown's in DC!

UPDATED 2/3/2012: We have a winner! Congratulations, Catherine Jones Brandy Jackson!! Since Catherine didn’t claim her prize, next in line is Brandy Jackson!! (updated 2/4)

Happy Valentine’s Day! February 14, 2012, ironically marks the end of my Six Months No Dating Pledge! I have spent the past five months getting filled UP to the brim on God’s love, learning what it means and how to recognize it when I see it and how to apply it. In honor of all these love lessons I’ve learned, I can’t help but share the love! That’s why I’m giving away a Valentine’s Day Dinner for Two for one lucky reader and guest at DC’s own upscale soul food restaurant, Georgia Brown’s!

To win dinner for two on February 14, 2012,  just leave a comment on this post saying, “I am Chasing God + Purpose!” by THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2ND at 5 PM (EST). Be sure to add your email address (NOT in the comment, just on the comment form) so I can email you the voucher, should you win. If your email address is also subscribed to my newsletter, your name will automatically be entered TWICE, increasing your odds of winning the random selection! Get your boo to comment, as well, giving you even more of a shot at winning!

*Dinner for two prize is ONLY valid on Tuesday, February 14, 2012.

*$150 is the max for the bill and does NOT include gratuity. Please tip well 🙂

*There will be live jazz and a fixed Valentine’s Day menu

*The food will be prepared with aphrodisiacs (for you married folks:)

Visit Georgia Brown’s online for a closer look at this fine restaurant in the heart and soul of our Nation’s capital.

 Special thanks to Georgia Brown’s for their generosity!




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