We Are God's Masterpiece

January 1st is a great day to make promises and start fresh.  January 7th is a great day to thank God for loving us unconditionally, even if our best efforts to be someone “new” may fail. It is so good to know that we don’t have to succeed or be perfect to be perfectly loved by God; He loves us right now, at the height of our success or in the middle of our mess–and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it.

In fact, at our absolute worst, the Word of God declares that “we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”  What a relief!

Now that we know we don’t have to worry about earning God’s love, we are free to show Him gratitude by allowing Him to use us for His glory on earth.  This amazing video, “God’s Chisel,” by the Skit Guys shows us the things God wants to take away from us and add to us so that we can be lights in darkness for Him. Check it out and be encouraged:



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