Where's Your Witness? Quinneisha ("The Green Line Preacher") Hood's Is on the Green Line Train

If you want to see a young person on fire for the Lord and free from the fear of people’s acceptance, just ride the Green Line train in Washington, D.C. You might just catch the train car Quinneisha Hood is riding on as she ministers to everyone under the sound of her voice. When I asked Quinneisha (known to many as simply ‘The Green Line Preacher,”) why she has spent her morning commute to work talking to fellow passengers about Jesus for over a year now, Quinneisha said it was her great love of God and His people that compelled her to speak out:

When I speak to people on the train, I’m not sent to make anyone feel bad. I’m sent to tell them that no matter what they’ve done or where they are in life, God still wants them. He still loves them. God just said come to Him.  That’s what I did.  I was saved at 8 years old, but it wasn’t until last year that I got tired of hurting God and just wanted to live in a way that He would be pleased. I’ve been a back-slidder. I used to party and drink all the time. I tried to run from what God was saying to me, but I wasn’t happy and I wanted to get my life back and I finally surrendered. But even after I surrendered, I kept beating myself up over stuff I used to do. But it was like the closer I got to Him, the more I realized, He’s forgiven me of these things! I don’t have to be in bondage over what I used to do. I’m free!  He has opened up a lot of doors for me since then. So I asked how can I show Him how much I care? What can I do to show my love for you? So that’s what led me [to preaching] on the train. People have to know that they don’t have to be who they are. They can be new through Christ. They don’t have to hold onto their past. We are free from that!

Everyone’s not going to want to receive but it’s not all about them or me. You never know what someone is going through unless you ask them. And it’s that love, the love for Christ, that draws the people to me. It’s not me they’re chasing after or me they’re running from, it’s the voice and love of God.  Love covers everything, so I choose love.

To be able to speak so freely and passionately about Christ — irrespective of the evil looks or eye-rolls she may get from passengers, Quinneisha explained that her love for God and understanding of who He is in comparison to who we are — He’s GREAT, we’re small — she realized that she had no one to fear but God:

What made me get to the point of freedom was that I said who am I going to fear more than God? Of course it doesn’t feel comfortable in the beginning to speak with power to strangers, or speak over our own situations because we’re not used to having dominion over those situations. We are a part of the Kingdom of God. We should not be intimidated! I know that with every trial and uncomfortable situation, He’s preparing me for greatness. We are more than conquerors, so the more I feel uncomfortable, the more He strengthens me and then the more free I feel. Everybody might not receive this, but I know what God is able to do. I pray for boldness. But I’m not just praying, I’m walking in it. I expect that it’s going to come to pass. He has never left me, so when I’m on the train, He’s there and he gives me the words to say to people.

The question is, how can you NOT do something like this? How can you NOT go whenever He tells us to go. We’ve got to go.  And when you’re focused on the people, and focused on God, all you care about is “I’m not going to let people miss out on the love of God.”

As shown in the Youtube video above, people come hug and thank Quinneisha every day that she preaches.  She has business cards that she hands out to people in case they want individual prayer, and she keeps up with everyone who wants to keep in touch. One woman, she recalls, was contemplating taking her own life until she heard the message from God that Quinneisha gave. The woman had Quinneisha over for dinner and they still remain in contact.  And there are so many more lives she has touched through her obedience to God:

A woman was on her way to get physical with her boss and then she heard the message about what real love is and stopped. Another woman was asking for prayer because the doctor told her the last time she had cancer and she wasn’t going to make it. She doesn’t even know she’s healed yet, but she is! They thought she wasn’t going to make it, but she’s still here!  Another told me about how her marriage was restored. And a couple of women talked to me about being unable to heal from aborting their babies. They didn’t even realize that their babies are in Heaven with God. That was such a comfort to them that they could have peace about that and not have to hold onto that. So I’ve been really blessed by the testimonies people have shared with me. And people look forward to [hearing the Word]. There are some that don’t want to hear. I’ve had the police come talk to me a few times, but I’m believing there are so many more who need to hear, so that’s what keeps me going.

For all Christians who have yet to step out and speak to even their friends and family, let alone strangers, about the love of Christ, Quinneisha offers this advice:

Just keep praying for the boldness of Christ, to live without fear of what people will say and think about you. Love people enough not to be afraid of them and just meet their needs. Its not about you its about God. Don’t worry about the people, just remember: He’ll never leave us.

Sound off: Where is your witness? How do you share the love of Jesus with others? If you don’t, what’s holding you back?

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  • SD

    More power to her! But as a wmata employee… she and the other people on that train need to be holding on to a pole, that’s why they are there. Most people don’t have to hold on until they fall into someone or something. Oh, and the brushes on the escalator are not to clean your shoes but to let you know that your legs or shoes are too close and for you to move over a little bit. Peace and Blessings!

  • Anonymous1

    What a bold soldier for the Lord! It takes a very special person to be able to talk to strangers in a car train everyday aloud about anything, and she shares Jesus. What an amazing force for the Lord. I love that people who may appear not to be listening really are, it shows that regardless of appearances if God is in it hearts will be touched and souls won for His Word does not come back void. The responders who hug her as they exit the train prove that God is using this young lady just as He is using you Ms Diva. I pray God’s amazing blessings upon this young woman’s life and yours as you both continue to do what Christ has commanded every Christian to do… “go ye therefore, and teach all nations…(Matthew 28:19-20). May her holy boldness win her many jewels in her crown of life! We can all learn from your examples that God uses any of us who avail ourselves to Him and allows Him to use the talents He has given to us for His glory whether it be speaking, teaching, writing, witnessing, painting, singing, or any usual or unusal gift that we share with others to bring others to the understanding and the knowledge of Christ and our all wise an awesome God who loves us and who gave His only begotten Son to suffer, die, and rise again for our salvation. Great post!

  • ilovejesus!

    WOW! What a bold sistah for the Lord. I pray that God bless me with the boldness this sistah has. I want to reach people the same way this sistah does. AS JESUS IS SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD. REMEMBER: Each One, Reach One…

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