Brooke Obie Profiled in Historic NY Amsterdam News

This week, Brooke Obie was profiled in the historic New York Amsterdam News, one of the oldest Black newspapers in the country. Check out the article below:

Brooke Obie: A pen, faith and lots of love

By Demetria Irwin

Brooke Obie

“I know that God loves me.” That statement is what has kept writer and editor Brooke Obie afloat through some of her more trying times. The military brat (who claims Gainesville, Va., as her hometown) had a hard time in her first two years living in New York as an MFA student at the New School.

“In D.C., I had a base of family and friends, and in New York, I had none of that. It was very lonely and not at all what I had envisioned for myself. It was tough. My online community was a big support for me at the time. I would ask for prayers and I would have people in my DMs praying for me and I would pray for them,” said Obie, who, by that point, had racked up a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Hampton University and a law degree from Mercer University.

But in the past year, Obie has felt more comfortable calling New York home. She acquired the title of digital editor-at-large for Ebony ,agazine—a position she credits with taking her journalism career to new levels. Obie is now the senior digital editor at a faith-based publication and still freelances for other outlets. She also keeps her personal blog,, updated. The 30-year-old progressive feminist is a fearless writer who tackles tough subjects such as the realities of having a spiritual crisis and how faith leaders have played a part in today’s civil rights movement.

“I had to accept that there are some problematic things in the Bible. It’s important to understand that some of the Bible could be a reflection of the times and culture and not necessarily applicable to today. I just go back to the fact that the God of this universe loves me and therefore the fact that I have boobs should not prevent me from doing anything that falls in line with my God-given purpose.”

Read the rest on New York Amsterdam News

