For the Kids (April 5-9 edition)

Per usual, all types of tricks went down this week. Unfortunately, the trickiest of them all occurred in my home state:

  • So Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell thought long and hard about what the Commonwealth of Virginia really needs, and came up with this declaration that the month of April will now be “observed” as Confederate History Month (after all, the negroes got there month last month, it’s only fair!) Beyond that, McDonnell made no mention of slavery at all.  Undoubtedly, folks were upset. What kills me, though, is that everyone’s riled up about McDonnell omitting slavery, and not the fact that there is even a “Confederate History Month” to “observe” and “celebrate” in the first place!  Such Gone with the Wind revisionist history of the Confederacy and what it stood for is disgusting to me.  Slavery — in both the North and the South (and no I am not revising history to pretend as if the North was an non-complicit hero in this tale) — is an ugly part of American history. It should be deemed as such, studied, and “understood,” as McDonnell has suggested. But it should not be celebrated or glorified, and neither should the prison guards, traitors, and turncoats of the Confederacy.  But, on the other hand, I like my racism where I can see it.

  • On a lighter note, Tiger Woods returned to the game of golf after a pornstar scandal-induced 5-month hiatus. (Apparently, that’s a really long time to be away?) I still don’t care, but his creepy Nike come-back commercial got my attention.  It features the voice of his dead father and Tiger blinking and looking like Mike Vick kicked his puppy.  I don’t understand it. But, this remixed version brought the LOL’s!
  • Rejected Version of the New Tiger Woods Nike Ad — powered by

    But all the bad stuff melts away with one fantastic trailer, a symbol of hope for what is to come. O.M.G!

I will be in New York, New York for the premiere. Who’s coming with me?




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