Hope & a Future

‘”For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'” –Jeremiah 29:11


It’s the entire reason I uprooted my comfortable, southern Georgia existence and moved to the District that never sleeps.

Now, before you write me off as one of “those” women, you should note that my love interest is not so much a man as he is a symbol, an ideal (you be the judge on whether that’s better or worse). I’ll end your suspense: the man is Barack Obama, and the symbol is hope. Hello, I am the District Diva, and I drank every drop of the Kool-Aid.

Yes I love Obama, but I love his wife more, and working for either would be the highlight of my 24-year-old life. In the mere months I’ve been working and playing in D.C., the closest I’ve been to either Obama is the motorcade that often drives past my flat in SW. But I do have the second-best job in the whole wide world working in a liberal’s paradise in DuPont. And I have no intention of leaving said paradise–unless of course the Obamas need a janitor.

So I have this fantabulous apartment near the waterfront, a career with a dream organization (& healthcare! yay for grown-up jobs!) family close by, and the loveliest friends. What else could a girl want? Being every ounce the diva, I want much much more.

After I conquer the goals in my current job, I figure I’ve got at least 3 years (7 if we’re lucky) to get into Obama’s West Wing, and plenty of time left over for love to find me.

And we’re back to love.

I am consistently fickle with men and relationships and love. But I am sure where my passions lay, and that is in politics and people and the ultimate idea of love. I know that I want love in its purest form. The forever kind. And I’m willing to grow to get it. And I’m ready to change to keep it.

Though I may dither, God is my constant, and He has promised me hope and a future. That at least means there is more ahead for me than the frogs I’ve kissed thus far, and that ALONE is reason to celebrate! And being in the political capitol, just down the road from where hope lives, love could always be right around the corner.




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