How to Discover Your Purpose

A few years ago, Pastor Howard-John Wesley gave a timely message at Alfred Street Baptist’s monthly “Come As You Are” service on How to Discover Your Purpose. I was so impacted by this sermon that I tweeted out my notes. But just in case you haven’t been following me on Twitter for years (Helllooooo @BrookeObie), or you’re just ready to newly receive this message on purpose, here is my Twitter Sermonette on the path to your purpose. Enjoy!

Rev. 3:18 “I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close.”

That means God has created you for a purpose that He has predestined even before u were born (before I formed u in the womb i knew u!)

Our job and responsibility is to discover and walk within the purpose God has created us to do.

On that road u will face many challenges: 1) how to discern/discover? READ THE BIBLE! dusty Bibles make dirty Christians 😉

As u gain understanding of God’s word, u gain understanding of Him and build your relationship with Him. You will hear more clearly 4rm Him

Challenge #2: if u r good at many things, how will u know what to focus on? 1 Corinthians 6:12 “everything that is lawful is not expedient”

Just because u are good at many things does not mean you are supposed to do them all! Even doing good deeds u can serve the devil’s purpose+

b/c God has called u to focus and develop a talent that u cannot focus on while doing the other 10 distractions ur good at.

Again, as you get closer to God u will better discern where ur focus and energy needs 2 b so u r not 2 tired 2 serve ur purpose.

God gives us gifts/talents/abilities 4 3 main reasons 1) to support & sustain our daily living (Proverbs 18:16) “ur gift will make room 4 u”

2) Give Him glory thru ur talent Matthew 5:16 & 3) for the edification of His kingdom. folks will b drawn 2 God thru ur gifts

When u are using ur gifts ONLY to sustain urself, and God is not glorified & His kingdom not edified, u r not walking in fullness of purpose

So how do you discover ur purpose? know your S.H.A.P.E.: Spiritual gifts, Heart’s passion, Abilities, Personality, Experience

Spiritual gifts: what r u good at? prophesy, serving others, teaching, exhorting, giving, leading, discerning, helping, loving, hospitality?

Heart’s Passion: what do u really luv doing? What makes u really angry? if u hate the path our Black men r taking, use that passion 2 help!

God has stirred ur heart with love or with Holy discontent for something so u can get in the middle of it and make a difference 4 God’s glry

Next: Abilities: what r u talents? r u good at writing, singing, speaking? use those gifts for God’s glory.

Personality: U R exactly the way God made u! While behaviors may change once ur saved, personality is the same! funny? use humor in ministry

Last is Experience: God has allowed u 2 experience good & bad times challenges, tribulations to prepare u 4 where u are going & also +

so tht u can use those life experiences 2 help some1 who is going thru the same thing. r problems r not unique! God has intentionally placed

people in our lives tht r going thru something we thought we were all alone in going thru so we can minister & encourage them!

While u r “knowing ur SHAPE” 2 discern ur purpose, remember Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in Lord w/ ALL ur heart & lean not 2 ur own understanding!

In ALL ur ways acknowledge Him & He will direct ur path!! This was a message from Come As You Are Alfred Street Baptist Church in VA

Check out more of Pastor Wesley’s CAYA sermons at



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